Saturday 20th May
11 – 12 = Slow Cycle with Cycle Carlisle
12 – 1.30 = Conversation Cafe with Sustainable Carlisle
Slow Cycle details
Meeting Point: West Walls / Viaduct (Outside Tesco area)
Message: “Cycling for a healthier city”
As previously, the route will circle the City Centre going out via West Walls and returning via Lowther Street. For anyone thinking about joining in for the first time, this is a route on low speed roads, yet where we are visible and get a message across to hundreds of people.
Conversation Cafe details
Meeting Point: Tullie House cafe
Meet us in Tullie House cafe for a friendly and passionate chat with like minded people. People from all backgrounds are welcome to join us. We can share updates on things important to us, updates on local campaigns and discuss current events.